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Prizes donated by 


Queen Elizabeth's School

We want to hear all about your school run...

Did you know the school run happens 380 times a year? It’s a big part of daily family life as well as a big chunk of the UK’s carbon emissions - 2.5 million tonnes to be precise.

We’re trying to help schools reduce Co2 emissions on the school run and we want to know how children feel about it….

Ask your child to draw a picture of their school run or write a poem about it. It could be a map of their route, a friend they travel with or some of the weird and wonderful things they see along the way!


Then, post a photo of their masterpiece on your school’s HomeRun notices feed for a chance to win some fantastic prizes and have the creative work feature on our website.  





Great Prizes


Worth Prizes


The Prizes!


Prizes donated by 

We are giving away an e-Bike to the winner, and £1000's worth of active wear vouchers for the runners-up - every school has £200 worth of prizes!

1st Prize Winner 
An e-Bike! 

2nd Prize Winners
A lucky winner from each school will win £100 of active wear vouchers.

3rd Prize Winners
Two runners up from each school will win £50 of active wear vouchers. 

The entries will be judged by our HomeRun team and the winning artworks will feature on our website.  


How to enter?

  • Ask your child to draw a picture of their school run, or write a poem about it. Take a photo of it and post the entry onto your school’s HomeRun notices feed. 

  • Put “School Run Fun” as the title of your post.

  • Remember to keep the original creative in case you are a lucky winner!   

  • Then keep checking your HomeRun notices feed for the winning announcements.

If you have your school’s HomeRun app already
– get drawing, you are ready to go!

Google Play link.png
App store pic.png

One entry per person. All entries must be submitted before 30th June. Read our full prize draw terms and conditions. Click here



School winners… PTAs listen up! 
Three schools will WIN £2,000 for their PTA to spend on greening, sustainable travel or sports activities.

The more the merrier!
£2,000 will be awarded for the most competition entries from a school.

Small is beautiful!
Don’t be put off if you are a small school, we have TWO prizes of £2,000 for the two schools with the highest percentage of entries, based on how many pupils there are in the school. This way all schools have a great chance of winning!

When are the Winners announced?

Winners will be notified by email, announced on our school HomeRun feeds, and on our Twitter @HomeRunteam - so keep a look out!  

Submit my entry

If you are already signed up to HomeRun – just open your app here

and get posting on your school notices feed.  

Google Play link.png
App store pic.png
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